
Get Funded to Manage Your Early-Stage or Established Biomedical Data Repository and Knowledgebase

Does your organization operate an established, frequently used, and high-value biomedical data resource (i.e., cancer repository and/or knowledgebase)? Are you seeking financial support for this data resource so that it may continue to benefit your research community? If so, here are two NIH funding opportunities to apply for:

Submit your application* for the upcoming award cycle by Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Letters of intent are due July 27, 2024.


*These funding opportunities have ongoing application due dates; refer to each notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for additional deadline dates.

With either of these NOFOs, your application should:

  • specify whether your data resource is a data repository or a knowledgebase (see the NOFO’s “Background” section for how to define distinctions),
  • describe how your data resource will gain global significance while aligning with relevant NIH scientific domains,
  • describe how to engage the relevant research community and evaluate their needs regularly,
  • ensure federally funded repositories adhere to desirable data service characteristics, and
  • develop clear policies and processes for data access, privacy, ethics, and licensing.

The data repository and knowledgebase should provide documentation on their services, be responsible for providing quality services, demonstrate the usefulness of their data and services, show usage and utility, commit to community engagement and needs, be trustworthy stewards of the data, and have good governance.

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