
Data Scientists: Apply for the NCI Research Specialist (R50) Award by November 2

The NCI Research Specialist Award (R50) is currently active and available to both laboratory and core-based scientists who have been or will be pursuing research within the context of an existing NCI-funded cancer research program (but not serve as independent investigators). Data scientists from the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Princeton University, and more have testified to the benefit and value that this award can provide, so be sure not to miss this opportunity!

Letters of intent are due October 1, 2022, and applications are due November 2, 2022, by 5:00 p.m. (local time of applicant organization).

The R50 Award is intended to provide salary support and sufficient autonomy so that individuals are not solely dependent on NCI grants held by others for career continuity. The biomedical research enterprise has been and continues to be reliant on the eligible applicants (i.e., researchers, core facility managers, and data scientists) of this award.

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