
Apply for Supplemental Support for Enhancing NIH Cloud Research

NCI is among 23 institutes and centers offering administrative supplemental funding to explore and test new opportunities for leveraging cloud-based solutions for NIH-related research. The application due date for this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is April 11, 2023, by 5:00 p.m. ET. Refer to the full NOSI for details.

Sample projects might explore the feasibility of:

  • establishing or moving existing projects, jobs, or workflows to the cloud.
  • using hybrid solutions to make the best use of both onsite and cloud resources.
  • porting existing research projects, or parts of projects, to new hardware using cloud services.
  • sharing computational environments or scaling environments using the cloud.
  • running specific workflows, or parts of workflows, in the cloud.
  • using cloud-based analysis to avoid or reduce data download/egress costs.

Ultimately, through this NOSI, NCI hopes to foster more cloud-based solutions for conducting and advancing cancer research. 

Before submitting, check with your program officer to confirm that you’re eligible for administrative supplements and to learn about any special requirements you’ll need to know before applying.

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