Cancer Screening, Casual Inference, Risk Prediction, and Health Disparities Postdoctoral Fellowship

Application Due Date
Open until filled
Experience Level
0-2 years
Degree Requirements
Doctorate (current or soon to be completed) in epidemiology or biostatistics
Rockville, MD

Do you have training in epidemiology or biostatistics? Consider this opportunity to work on an interdisciplinary team led by Dr. Hormuzd Katki. Dr. Katki is a senior investigator in the NCI Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) Biostatistics Branch.

Epidemiologic research you might do in this role includes:

  • developing new individualized prediction models for cancer screening and understanding how they impact algorithmic fairness and screening guidelines.
  • quantifying socioeconomic and racial/ethnic/gender disparities in cancer risk and screening.
  • using diagnostic tests and artificial intelligence algorithms in cancer screening.

Biostatistical research you might do in this role includes researching:

  • casual inferential approaches to cancer screening and health disparities.
  • methods of using data from surveys and electronic health records to improve external validity of cohort and trial analyses.
  • methods for cancer screening trials for multicancer early detection tests.

To apply, email a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names of three references to Dr. Katki.

Learn about the advantages of a DCEG Fellowship.