Big Data Scientist Training Enhancement Program (BD-STEP)
Address important questions in cancer research and care by working alongside Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Medical Center clinicians and interdisciplinary researchers!
In this two-year fellowship opportunity (managed jointly by NCI and the VHA), you’ll use data science to improve outcomes for cancer patients. You’ll have access to diverse cancer data resources, including:
- diagnosis and treatment information from the VA Central Cancer Registry, and
- longitudinal, clinical data from the VA's national healthcare system.
With a combination of data access, academic mentorship, and clinical guidance, you can leave the BD-STEP program with the diverse skillset needed to pursue careers in healthcare data science.
Multiple working locations are available at VA medical centers and include:
- Boston, MA
- Durham, NC
- Houston, TX
- Palo Alto, CA
Degree Requirements Note:
Applicant must have a Ph.D. in engineering, computer science, physical science, or other related discipline including engineering disciplines, bioinformatics, computational biology, economics, epidemiology, statistics, or chemistry.