Virtual Workshop on Data Metrics

February 19, 2020 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET

The NIH Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) is hosting a virtual workshop on assessing datasets and data resource value.

The goal of this workshop is to discuss core metrics, use cases, and best practices to better understand open data usage and impact. The workshop will focus on two types of NIH-funded data resources—repositories and knowledgebases—and will bring together managers of diverse biomedical data resources to discuss best practices for data metrics.

NIH-funded data resources use varied approaches to measure the use and utility (community value/impact) of the resource itself and the use and utility of specific datasets held by the resource. Data resource managers, funders, and users are interested in understanding the impact and value of data resources and the data they host. This workshop will include speakers representing each of these stakeholders to discuss approaches to and values in evaluating research data and its infrastructure.

Submit your ideas for metrics or ways to measure the use and impact of data repositories, knowledgebases, or datasets to NIH Data Science IdeaScaleSome questions to consider include:

  1. What are the long-term positive or negative consequences of having evaluation metrics for research data?
  2. Are there existing standards or methodologies for assessing research data value and reach?
  3. How might different stakeholders (data resource users, managers, or funders) use data metrics?

For a full outline of the day’s sessions and panel discussions, refer to the agenda.

 Related materials:

  1. NIH Data Science Strategic Plan
  2. Trustworthy Data Repositories Workshop
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