Single image showing two screenshots. On the left: Shows website with the PDC case ID from the CPTAC.11LU022 inputted in search (the case ID is “f1ed961a-cf1e-11e9-9a07-0a80fada099c “). Under the search is the resulting pop-up box with the case summary for the 11U022 data with tabs to display metadata for demographics, diagnosis, exposure, follow-up, and treatment. The active tab shows tables with the file count by experimental strategy and data category. On the right: Shows website with the GDC case ID from the CPTAC.11LU022 inputted in the search (the case ID for GDC is (“8d1b1bb3-2633-4a22-a8fd-19c07931ea46”). Under the search, three tables display case summary information, file counts by data category, and file counts by experimental strategy.
You can enter the subject ID (in the second-to-last column of the table) directly in the GDC (left) and PDC (right) portal search boxes to quickly find the data.