Data Science Funding Announcements & Notices

Data science and informatics funding announcements and notices are available from NCI and NIH programs. Browse below for opportunities, requests for information, notices, and initiatives.

Title FOA Organization Release Date Expire Date Purpose
Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN): Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Development for Disorders of the Nervous System (U44 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-24-063 NINDS Reissue of PAR-18-541. The Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN) encourages applications from small businesses seeking support to advance their small molecule drug discovery and development… More
Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN): Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Development of Disorders of the Nervous System (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-25-051 NINDS The Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN) invites applications from neuroscience investigators seeking support to advance their small molecule drug discovery and development projects into the… More
NINDS Exploratory Clinical Trials for Small Business (R43/R44 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-23-311 NINDS (Reissue of PAR-21-266) The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to provide a vehicle for Small Business Concerns (SBCs) submitting Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)… More
NINDS Exploratory Clinical Trials for Small Business (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Required) PAR-24-044 NINDS (Reissue of PAR-18-617) The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to provide a vehicle for Small Business Concerns (SBCs) submitting Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)… More
BRAIN Initiative: Clinical Studies to Advance Next-Generation Devices for Recording and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System (UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-NS-25-022 NINDS The purpose of this announcement is to encourage investigators to pursue a small clinical trial to obtain critical information necessary to advance recording and/or stimulating devices to treat… More
BRAIN Initiative: Next-Generation Devices for Recording and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-NS-25-021 NINDS The purpose of this announcement is to encourage investigators to pursue translational activities and small clinical studies to advance the development of therapeutic, and diagnostic devices for… More
NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Diversity Specialized Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Advancement in Neuroscience (D-SPAN) Award (F99/K00 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-NS-24-030 NINDS Reissue of RFA-NS-19-011: The purpose of the NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Diversity Specialized Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Advancement in Neuroscience (D-SPAN) Award is to support a defined… More
CCRP Initiative: NIH Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) Basic Research on Chemical Threats that Affect the Nervous System (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-25-077 NINDS This announcement invites applications for basic research projects on chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals, and pesticides that have primary or secondary effects on the nervous system… More
NIH StrokeNet Clinical Trials and Biomarker Studies for Stroke Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-25-052 NINDS This NOFO encourages applications for multi-site exploratory and confirmatory clinical trials focused on promising interventions; biomarker or outcome measure validation studies that are immediately… More
HEAL Initiative: Non-addictive Analgesic Therapeutics Development [Small Molecules and Biologics] to Treat Pain (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-NS-24-019 NINDS Reissue of RFA-NS-20-010: The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support preclinical optimization and development of safe, effective, and non-addictive small molecule and… More
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