Data Science Funding Announcements & Notices

Data science and informatics funding announcements and notices are available from NCI and NIH programs. Browse below for opportunities, requests for information, notices, and initiatives.

Title FOA Organization Release Date Expire Date Purpose
NIH SIREN Neurologic Clinical Trials (UG3/UH3 - Clinical Trial Required) PAR-25-049 NINDS This announcement (NOFO) encourages applications for multi-center clinical trials focused on neurological emergencies. Successful applicants will collaborate and conduct the trial within the NIH… More
Institutional Translational Research Training Program (T32 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-24-108 NINDS The purpose of the NINDS Institutional Translational Research Training Program is to equip trainees with the knowledge and skills needed to advance basic research toward clinical application. These… More
NINDS Advanced Institutional Research Training Program (T32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-24-126 NINDS The purpose of this FOA is to provide support for institutional research training programs in areas relevant to the NINDS mission. These institutional research training programs should produce well-… More
BRAIN Initiative: Promoting Equity Through BRAIN Technology Partnerships (R34 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) RFA-NS-25-016 NINDS The goal of this concept is to increase the impact of the BRAIN Initiative by targeted dissemination and integration of validated BRAIN Initiative tools to investigators at institutions that… More
Clinical Validation of a Candidate Biomarker for Neurological or Neuromuscular Disorders (U44 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-24-096 NINDS The purpose of this Program Announcement (PAR) is to enable clinical validation of strong candidate biomarkers for neurological diseases and conditions. Specifically, the goal of this PAR is to… More
Analytical Validation of a Candidate Biomarker for Neurological or Neuromuscular Disorders(U01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-25-050 NINDS The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support rigorous analytical validation of method(s) used for measuring biomarkers for neurological and neuromuscular disorders for use… More
Digital Health Technology Derived Biomarkers and Outcome Assessments for Remote Monitoring and Endpoint Development (UG3/UH3 - Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-25-170 NINDS The purpose of this proposed Notice of Funding Announcement (NOFO) is to support development of biomarkers or clinical outcomes derived from digital health technology (DHT) for use in clinical trials… More
Clinical Validation of a Candidate Biomarker for Neurological or Neuromuscular Disorders (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-25-055 NINDS The purpose of this Program Announcement (PAR) is to enable clinical validation of strong candidate biomarkers for neurological diseases and conditions. Specifically, the goal of this PAR is to… More
Analytical Validation of a Candidate Biomarker for Neurological or Neuromuscular Disorders (U44 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-24-098 NINDS (Reissue PAR-21-057) The purpose of this Program Announcement (PAR) is to enable analytical validation of strong candidate biomarkers for neurological diseases and conditions. Specifically, the goal… More
NINDS Research Education Opportunities (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-24-200 NINDS The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this NINDS R25 program is to support educational activities… More
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