Stephanie Halling
Supervisory IT Specialist
- Center for Biomedical Informatics & Information Technology
- Office of the Chief Information Officer
- IT Services and Support Branch
Current Role
Current Role
As a supervisory IT specialist, I am responsible for overseeing all aspects of the NCI Helpdesk and Desktop Support. My goal is to provide exceptional customer service, high quality, and timely support to the NCI community. I work within the IT Services and Support Branch to coordinate activities alongside teammates involved in computer support, audio visual services, training, and IT operations.
- B.A., Business Administration, Hood College
- M.B.A, Business Management, Mount St. Mary’s University
Previous Work
- Program Manager, Computer & Statistical Services, NCI at Frederick
- Clients Services Manager, Computer & Statistical Services, NCI at Frederick
- Desktop Support Manager, Computer & Statistical Services, NCI at Frederick
- Helpdesk Support, Computer & Statistical Service, NCI at Frederick
Recent Awards
- 2020 NCI Director’s Award of Merit, for work with the Onsite and Remote Computer Deployment Team
- My Team