Erin Beck

Biomedical Informatics Project Manager

  • Current Role

    Current Role

    I lead the NCI Cloud Resources components of the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC). Using my informatics background, I work to ensure that the cloud resources are providing researchers a way to access and analyze large data sets in a secure and user-friendly environment.

  • Projects


    Stylized image of a cloud showing repositories of data represented by circles with small icons hovering over top. The repositories include canine, imaging, genomic, and other types of data.

    NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC)

    Connects researchers with data sets and tools to analyze large- scale cancer research data in the cloud.
  • Publications
  • Background



    • M.S., Bioinformatics, The Johns Hopkins University
    • B.S., Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, The University of Maryland, Baltimore County

    Previous Work

    • Informatics Support, Axle Informatics (supporting NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences [NCATS])
    • Senior Bioinformatics Engineer, J. Craig Venter Institute