
Winter 2022 Updates to Semantic Products of NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services

Get the latest updates to NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS), which provides terminology content, tools, and services to the biomedical and cancer research community for coding, analyzing, and sharing clinical and public health information.

New/Updated NCIt Content

  • SeroNet Terminology Version 1.3 for the NCI Serological Sciences Network for COVID-19
    • Includes study descriptors to identify and describe COVID-19 study participant demographics and behaviors; diagnostic and lab tests methodology and parameters; signs, symptoms, and co-morbidities associated with COVID-19; therapeutics
  • Childhood neoplasm terminologies
    • Updated and reorganized in accordance with the 2022 WHO-updated pediatric tumors classification
    • New information from peer review pathology, oncology, and basic science journals
    • Updated version of childhood neoplasms terminology contains information on both frequent and rare childhood tumors

Updated Cross-Terminology Mappings

  • MA to NCIt Mapping: MA to NCIt Mapping (November 2011)
  • NCIt to HGNC Mapping: NCIt to HGNC Mapping (November 2022)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_GDC (22.11d)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_ICD10_2016 (22.11d)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_ICD10CM_2017 (22.11d)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_ICD9CM_2014 (22.11d)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_ICDO3 (22.11d)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_MedDRA (22.11d)

Standalone Terminologies and Ontologies

  • ChEBI: Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (v.220)
  • GO: Gene Ontology (December 2022)
  • HGNC: HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (December 2022)
  • CanMED: Cancer Medications Enquiry Database (November 2022)
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