
Updated NIH Data Sharing Policy Released

NIH has released the Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing in the Federal Register and the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The policy is expected to go into effect across NIH beginning January 25, 2023. The policy applies to all NIH grantees and establishes the baseline expectation that data sharing is a fundamental component of the research process, which is in line with NIH’s longstanding commitment to making the research it funds available to the public.

Although much of the policy remains the same, a few changes will impact NCI investigators:

  • Data management and sharing plans will be required with their grant application regardless of funding level.
  • The policy will apply to all intramural and extramural research funded through grants, contracts, or other transactional authorities.
  • Data management and sharing plans will be a deliverable (Term and Condition of the Award) for a contract and a Term and Condition of the Notice of Award. Failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions may result in an enforcement action.
  • Investigators should budget accordingly for data management and sharing costs in their proposed plans and funding applications.
  • Data management and sharing plans will also be reviewed by NIH program staff.

These changes are the result of 4 years of revising and receiving feedback from the research community to understand how to make research and data accessible to drive continued progress in science. NIH has worked with researchers, institutions, data providers and users, research participants, infrastructure developers, Tribal Nations, advocates, and others to develop a policy responsive to the diversity and breadth of NIH research funds.

As investigators and grantees prepare for the upcoming policy changes, the NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP) will offer a series of presentations and webinars discussing the details of the policy and its impact on the research community. In the meantime, investigators can learn more by reading the latest blog by NIH OSP Director Dr. Carrie Wolinetz or by reviewing the policy language and supplemental guidance. NCI will also be exploring ways to align the goals of this NIH policy with the specific needs of the stakeholders within the larger cancer research community. More information will be shared in the future.

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