
Read NCI's Four Priority Areas for Artificial Intelligence

The image shows the four priority areas of AI in Cancer care. The first bullet is an icon of a question mark that reads, "Identifying amenable research questions." The second bullet is an icon of a wrench with text that reads, "customizing AI for cancer research." The third bullet is an icon of a medical-inspired clipboard with text that reads, "improving cancer care delivery." The final bullet is an icon of a hospital with text that reads, "implementing AI-based approaches."
Fig. 1. The four main ways being considered for supporting additional gaps in cancer-focused AI development in the future. These are in addition to NCI's ongoing activities.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are proving particularly relevant in the cancer research realm. NCI Director Dr. Ned Sharpless and CBIIT Director Dr. Tony Kerlavage recently published an article, "The Potential of AI in Cancer Care and Research," which takes stock of current uses of AI/ML, NCI’s current activities in AI, and outlines four priority areas NCI hopes to explore in greater depth in the future. The article is part of a special issue of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Reviews that explores recent advances in AI/ML technology.

Dr. Sharpless and Dr. Kerlavage highlight recent successes in AI/ML, such as the interpretation of radiological test results. They also show how this technology has the potential to revolutionize care in the future, allowing us to comb through terabytes of data to glean results rapidly and accurately. Those results will help augment existing care, like confirming pathology results. AI/ML tools can help make high-quality care accessible to all patients, even those who live far from cancer specialists.

As noted by the authors, "NCI is enthusiastic about the potential for AI/ML to transform and augment how we study, think about, diagnose, and treat cancer. Alongside our federal and industry partners, we are committed to leading the development of AI/ML for cancer care and research."

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