
NIH Requests Information on Developing Consent Language for Future Use of Data and Biospecimens—Comments Due Sept 29

NIH has announced a Request for Information (RFI) on the utility and useability of Consent for Data and Biospecimen Sharing for Future Use: Points to Consider and Sample Language. Stakeholders have revealed that there is a strong interest in sharing best practices for developing informed consent language that supports data/biospecimen sharing. Thus, NIH has developed points to consider and sample language to assist in this endeavor. Any use of the sample informed consent language would be completely voluntary and will not be required.

Stakeholder feedback on this resource is essential to ensure the resource is useful to the community. NIH is interested in gaps or additional components (including input on the points) to consider, as well as thoughts on what is proposed in the sample informed consent language. NIH is also interested in input on constraints to the voluntary use of this document by the community.

Comments should be submitted electronically via the NIH Office of Science Policy web portal no later than September 29, 2021. Questions may be sent to

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