
NIH Common Fund’s New Bridge to Artificial Intelligence (Bridge2AI) Program: Research Opportunity Announcement and Team Building Activities

The NIH Common Fund has unveiled the Bridge to Artificial Intelligence (Bridge2AI) program to address the wealth of incomplete data that is not suitable for machine learning (ML). This new program will propel biomedical research forward by setting the stage for widespread adoption of AI that tackles complex biomedical challenges beyond human intuition.

Research Opportunity Announcement (ROA)

An ROA (OTA-21-008) was recently released soliciting Data Generation Projects to create flagship data sets based on ethical principles, associated standards and tools, and skills and workforce development to address biomedical and behavioral research grand challenges that require AI/ML analysis. A Letter of Intent is required and must be emailed to by 11:59 p.m. ET on or before July 20, 2021.

Note: This ROA requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP)—a summary of strategies to advance the scientific and technical merit of the proposed project(s) through inclusivity. Visit the Bridge2AI Program Resources and Program FAQs webpages for additional information on building diverse teams and for PEDP guidance.

Team Building Activities

To facilitate team building across communities and ensure responsiveness of proposals, NIH strongly encourages potential proposers to participate in the “Grand Challenge Team Building Activities” taking place in June 2021. Please save the date for these upcoming events:  

  • Bridge2AI Program Town Hall | June 9, 2021 | 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET 
  • Bridge2AI Data Generation Project Module Microlabs | June 14, 16, and 18, 2021 | 2:00–4:00 p.m. ET (each day) 
  • Bridge2AI Grand Challenge Team Building Expo | June 23, 2021 | 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET 
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