
New NCI-Supported Platform for Open Data Challenges

Are you a cancer data scientist looking for data and artificial intelligence challenges to participate in? Try OpenChallenges—a new platform funded by NCI’s Informatics Technology for Cancer Research program.

The platform provides weekly updates about upcoming and existing challenges, where you can submit machine learning models to address bottlenecks in translational research.

There are several active cancer challenges, including detecting tumors from brain scans. You can find challenges about other health topics as well.

On the website, you can identify what type of challenge you’d like to participate in, and filter results by:

  • data submission type,
  • partnering platform,
  • incentive types,
  • status (i.e., active, upcoming, or completed),
  • challenge year, and more.

OpenChallenges also hosts a Discord group where you can chat with other members, share resources, and suggest features and new challenges.

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