
New Journal Articles Highlight Growth of Genomic Data Commons as an Interactive Data System

In the latest Center for Cancer Genomics (CCG) blog post, CCG Director, Dr. Louis Staudt, shares two journal articles highlighting the growth and evolution of NCI’s Genomic Data Commons (GDC) over the last seven years. From a mere vision to a massive, interactive data system with genomic data processing pipelines, all types of researchers can use the GDC for data analysis. The journal articles referenced in the blog as as follows:

  • "The NCI Genomic Data Commons," published in Nature Genetics, describes the role in the research community that the GDC plays as a cancer commons and offers an overview of the data, tools, and pipelines the GDC currently provides.
  • "Uniform Genomic Data Analysis in the NCI Genomic Data Commons," published in Nature Communications, provides in-depth detail of the bioinformatics pipelines developed by the GDC and how users can access all of the workflows.

As the first component to join the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC), the GDC has amassed more than 3.3 Petabytes of data from 65 genomic projects and has built an interactive data system that is leveraged by an estimated 70,000 cancer researchers and data scientists monthly. Visit the GDC’s page on the CRDC website to learn more about its vision and find resources for accessing its data portal.

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