
New Contract Opportunity to Support NCI’s Proteomic Data Commons

Are you and your colleagues interested in helping maintain and grow the Proteomic Data Commons (PDC)? If so, you could respond to NCI’s new contract opportunity to support PDC’s current operations, as well as build in new enhancements. Objectives include accommodating new data types (e.g., metabolomic) on the repository, improving data utilization, and supporting interoperability.

Relevant skills:

  • System design
  • PDC data model development
  • Data sharing
  • Application Programming Interfaces
  • Communication activities

Read the full solicitation and note these key dates for responding to the Request for Proposal:

  • Friday September 15, 2023—Last day to ask questions
  • Friday, September 29, 2023—Deadline to submit a proposal

NCI’s PDC is a cloud-based data repository of publicly available data, launched in October 2020 as part of the Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) infrastructure. PDC currently houses 35 terabytes of cancer-related proteomic data.

This initiative will be part of Leidos Biomedical Research Incorporated’s Prime Contract 75N91019D00024, issued by NCI at Frederick.

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