
New Contract Opportunity to Obtain Medical Image Segmentations

If you’re skilled in applying machine-generated segmentation to tumor and organ radiology data sets, you may be interested in this new contract opportunity: the Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging (AIMI) Annotations. This initiative is aimed at creating high-quality segmentations, in standardized DICOM format, for tumors and organs in the Imaging Data Commons (IDC) collections.

Manually annotating medical images is a complex and labor-intensive task. Recently, deep-learning models for automated image segmentation have become available that produce fairly accurate results. The availability of high-quality, machine-derived segmentations of the IDC’s radiologic image collections will add value to these collections and help drive the development of AI models by the cancer research community. 

Read the full solicitation. Key dates for responding to this Request for Proposals (RFP) include:

  • February 13, 2023—Request the RFP
  • February 21, 2023—Ask questions
  • March 10, 2023—Submit proposal
  • Mid-April—Anticipated award date

NCI’s IDC is a cloud-based data repository of publicly available data, launched in October 2020 as part of the Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) infrastructure. IDC currently houses more than 40 terabytes of cancer-related imaging data.

This initiative will be part of Leidos Biomedical Research Incorporated’s Prime Contract 75N91019D00024, issued by NCI, Frederick, MD.

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