
New Contract Opportunity to Maintain the CPTAC Assay Portal and Integrate New Data

Do you have a passion for cancer research and development in biotechnology and the data related to it? If so, support the maintenance and enhancements of the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) Assay Portal through this new NCI contract opportunity.

The contract will operate, maintain, and integrate new data in a centralized public repository of targeted proteomic assays, which:  

  • distributes highly characterized proteomic assays with access to standard operating procedures (SOPs) and assay characterization/validation data.
  • brings together biologists seeking to ask hypothesis-driven questions about the proteome they study.

The CPTAC Assay Portal provides a common ground for clinicians, systems biologists, and analytical chemists. The portal facilitates the widespread adoption of targeted proteomic assays by disseminating SOPs, reagents, and assay characterization data.

Your proposal is due on March 28, 2023. For any questions regarding this contract opportunity, email Jo Brown, the lead subcontracts administrator for the NCI’s Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research.

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