
NCI Seeks Input About New National Programs at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research

Brick sign outside of building reading, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research

NCI has issued a new Request for Information (RFI) to determine the next big cancer research program that the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) can host over the next several years. 

As a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), the FNLCR tackles the world’s hardest biomedical research challenges through public-private efforts and by offering shared resources, materials, and opportunities to the cancer research community.

Following the success of the FNLCR’s RAS Initiative, NCI is now seeking input on the pressing needs and promising opportunities in cancer research that are difficult to address on an individual scale, which can be addressed through the scientific mission of a national lab.

Respondents are asked to share and respond to this RFI through February 19, 2021. Responses should include:

  • background,
  • the cancer research problem to be addressed,
  • why a national program is needed, and
  • implications of success.

Email responses will be accepted through February 19, 2021, and can be sent to with the subject line “RFI Response.”

Questions about the RFI can be sent to

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