
NCI Offers Administrative Supplements to Adapt/Repackage Visualization Methods for Enhancing Cancer Moonshot Data

Cancer researchers use and generate large amounts of complex data. While effective data visualization is an important step for the analysis, interpretation, and communication of cancer research data, many existing visualization methods are inaccessible to cancer researchers or are otherwise difficult to use for cancer research.

Through this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI), NCI will support requests for administrative supplements from applicants (with currently active NCI grants and cooperative agreements) who will repackage existing data visualization software into easily adoptable software packages/libraries. This will have the potential to make Cancer MoonshotSM-aligned data more explorable and interpretable by the broader cancer research community.

Learn more about this notice on the NIH Grants & Funding page. Applications can be submitted on a rolling basis for possible funding in FY2021, FY2022, and FY2023. This NOSI will expire on November 3, 2022. However, continuation of this NOSI is contingent upon availability of funds, and the NOSI may be terminated before the current expiration date.

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