
NCI’s MyPART Program Yields a Wealth of Data on Rare Cancers

Are you researching rare tumors or rare cancers? NCI’s My Pediatric and Adult Rare Tumor Network (MyPART) program recently released a new study, and an array of data resources, that could help you in your research.

MyPART is a ground-breaking program that draws together a network of researchers, clinicians, advocates, and patients and their families. The goal is to focus research attention on solid tumors in children, teens, and young adults, as well as on tumors that aren’t common in adults.

Researchers are collecting data through natural history studies where they assess the characteristics of rare tumors and cancers and track these features over time.

You can see the results of the first 200 MyPART participants in this Cancer Research Communications article: “Longitudinal Natural History Study of Children and Adults with Rare Solid Tumors: Initial Results for First 200 Participants.”

MyPART includes nearly 500 study participants and a range of clinical data, such as response to treatment, and tumor pathology and imaging results. Data also include patients’ self-reports on measures of pain, depression, anxiety, mobility, and cognitive function. Biospecimen data includes next-generation sequencing, analysis of cytokine plasma, and immune cell characterization.

In the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP), you can find these MyPART resources:

For details on the MyPART data, see the release notes. To learn more about the program, visit the website.

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