
NCBI Biomedical Data Science Codeathon—Applications Due December 15

NCBI Codeathons: Bringing people with diverse backgrounds together to build tools for advanced analysis of biomedical data. White text with purple background and white dots in background.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), is pleased to announce a Biomedical Data Science Codeathon on January 8-10, 2020, at the CMU campus in Pittsburgh, PA.

This event is intended for researchers, including students and postdocs, who are engaged in the use of bioinformatics data or the development of pipelines for large scale genomic analyses from high-throughput experiments. Those with experience in working with complex disease, precision medicine, and similar genomic analysis are encouraged to apply. Potential topics include virus genome graph tools, image analysis pipelines, RNAseq pipelines, cancer graph genomes, and complex disease analysis.

During this three-day event, teams will address a challenging set of scientific problems related to a group of datasets while they build pipelines and utilize tools to perform analysis within a cloud infrastructure. In-depth group discussions will include overall project approach and processes, bioinformatics best practices, coding styles, and more.

Initial applications are due December 15, 2019 by 3 p.m. ET.

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