
Mobile Health Technology Notice of Funding Opportunity

Are you interested in studying the development, validation, practicality, and effectiveness of mobile health (mHealth) interventions or tools? Apply for this opportunity to help improve cancer outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. Your research should use new or emerging technologies, platforms, systems, and/or analytics. Submit your application between February 22 and March 22, 2024.

NCI is particularly interested in applications for mHealth technologies that:

  • help prevent avoidable cancers by encouraging healthy behaviors.
  • support early detection.
  • increase accurate diagnosis and better treatment.
  • improve care team communications.
  • create a stronger system for patient support.

Examples of relevant research include (but aren’t limited to):

  • developing mobile applications to promote smoking cessation, regular physical activity, and healthy diet.
  • adding personal surveillance data from mobile devices into electronic health records.
  • using mobile device geo-positioning abilities to help with early detection of cancers in remote areas.
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