
Give Input on the Plan to Enhance Access to Data and Other Results of NIH-Supported Research

As a cancer researcher or data scientist, you can be a part of the conversation to improve public access to federally supported data and scholarly publications. The “NIH Public Access Plan” is in accordance with new directives from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which provides policy guidance for ensuring free, immediate, and equitable access to federally funded research.

Submit your input now until April 24, 2023. NIH is looking for comments on:

  • how to improve the use of metadata and persistent identifiers. 
  • ensuring equity in publication opportunities for NIH-supported investigators.
  • steps for improving equity in access and accessibility of publications.
  • methods for monitoring evolving costs and impacts on affected communities.

April 5 Update: NIH will host a virtual, public listening session to hear community feedback on the NIH Public Access Plan on April 12, 2023, from 1:00 p.m.3:00 p.m. ET. You can sign up to provide oral questions or comments at the listening session by emailing the NIH Office of Science Policy team no later than Monday, April 10, 2023. Be sure to include your name, topic(s) of comment, and professional affiliation (if applicable).

Need insight to help formulate your feedback? Refer to some of these current policies and pilot projects:

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