
Give Data-Related Input and More to NCI on Multidimensional Tumor Atlases

NCI seeks your input on the utility and future promise of multidimensional tumor atlases for the Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN). If your work involves cancer biology, prevention, and translational research, especially if you would like to incorporate knowledge derived from multidimensional tumor atlases, submit your response by Saturday, January 7, 2023.

Your feedback will inform NCI's future directions. This feedback includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • High-priority tumor types and biological or translational use cases associated with specific tumor types
  • High-priority data types for constructing useful, multidimensional tumor atlases
  • Use case examples for multidimensional tumor atlases in basic cancer biology research, prevention research, translational research, or clinical research
  • Challenges and/or opportunities regarding multi-modal data integration and computational modeling
  • Challenges and/or opportunities regarding data labeling and sharing for the purposes of atlas-related analysis

NCI launched HTAN in 2018 to construct human precancer and cancer atlases for the scientific research community. HTAN atlases map the multidimensional molecular, cellular, and tissue-level dynamics of human precancers and cancers with the intention of informing cancer biology, prevention, diagnosis, and/or treatment research. This is with the goal of enhancing clinical decision making.

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