
Get Your Data Science Research Funded Through NCI DCCPS

Are you a cancer researcher or data scientist whose research is rooted in cancer control and population sciences? Are you looking for R01 grant funding coupled with a modular budget? NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) encourages you to apply for funding to address a variety of scientific topics. Opportunities for data science application to cancer control and population science research include:

  • developing innovative tools and approaches for the analysis, reporting, visualization, and interpretation of cancer surveillance data.
  • creating statistical methods for generating and integrating data on the determinants of cancer-related risk factors in general and specific populations.
  • developing and evaluating applied informatics methods for cancer surveillance research.
  • using existing data sets to develop new methods and models for genetic, epidemiologic research.
  • conducting behavioral research, which includes integrating independent data sets to answer novel cancer control and prevention questions.
  • leveraging novel artificial intelligence and deep learning tools to do things such as mitigate algorithmic bias and reduce cancer disparities.

View the full list of high-priority topics for NCI DCCPS by visiting the funding announcement webpage. Application due dates are June 5 and October 5, 2024. You may submit your application as early as Sunday, May 5, 2024.

This funding opportunity allows principal investigators to explore diverse research topics and make significant contributions to cancer research all while operating on a shorter project timeline and modular budget. DCCPS encourages all principal investigators to apply, including early career investigators.

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