
Genomic Data from Chernobyl Studies Is Now Available in the Genomic Data Commons

The NCI Genomic Data Commons (GDC) has released data from two landmark studies investigating the potential health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation from the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine. The teams published their findings earlier this year, just days before the 35th anniversary of the disaster.

Interested researchers must first request access to explore the data from both studies, including: 

This data set release also adds new or updated data to existing projects in the GDC, including:

In addition to data from these new and updated studies, two new data types, including methylation beta values processed using the Sensible Step-wise Analysis of Methylation (SeSAMe) data method, have been added to the GDC. The full list of changes can also be reviewed in GDC’s Data Release Notes. 

As a component of the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons, the GDC allows researchers to explore the data directly through each data portal or access the data via one of NCI’s Cloud Resources.

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