
Find Canine Cancer Data at the Integrated Canine Data Commons

Text in foreground reads, "Integrated Canine Data Commons (ICDC), NCI Cnacer Research Data Commons." The background shows a circle with a x-ray of a dog intersectin with a circle containing an xray of a human.

The latest repository in the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons, the Integrated Canine Data Commons (ICDC), has launched!

The goal of the ICDC is to further research on human cancers by comparing them with canine cancer. Dogs can develop many of the same types of cancer as humans, and cancer treatments that are safe and effective for dogs often work well for people. By collecting data on dogs with naturally occurring cancer, researchers can compare and learn more about human tumor pathways, how a type of cancer metastasizes, and what treatments may be effective for both canine and human cancer patients.

The ICDC offers cloud-based public access to canine cancer data, including the NCI Comparative Oncology Program (COP) and the NCI Cancer Moonshot℠-funded Cancer PRE-medical Cancer Immunotherapy Network Canine Trials (PRECINCT). With its connection to the NCI Cloud Resources, the ICDC allows researchers to leverage over 1,000 analytics tools and pipelines for high-powered cloud computing and analysis.

To explore ICDC’s canine cancer data, visit or join us on Twitter via #NCICanineData to share pictures of your canine friends and learn more about the role of canine data in cancer research.

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