
Fall 2023 Updates to Semantic Products of NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services

Are you looking for the latest updates from NCI’s Enterprise Vocabulary Services? The team has developed and published new and updated NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) and NCI Metathesaurus (NCIm) content along with the latest version of standalone terminologies and ontologies.

New/Updated NCIt Content

New Edition of NCIm

  • Version 202302
    • UMLS_2022AB
    • SNOMEDCT_US_2022_09_01
    • MDR_25_1
    • NCI_2023_01E

Updated Cross-Terminology Mappings

  • NCIt to SwissProt Mapping (August 2023)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_GDC (23.07e)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_ICD10_2016 (23.07e)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_ICD10CM_2017 (23.07e)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_ICD9CM_2014 (23.07e)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_ICDO3 (23.07e)
  • NCIt_Maps_To_MedDRA (23.07e)

Standalone Terminologies and Ontologies

  • CanMED: Cancer Medications Enquiry Database (February and August 2023)
  • ChEBI: Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (v.217, v.218, v.219, v.222, v.223, v.224)
  • GO: Gene Ontology (January, March-July 2023)
  • HGNC: HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (January-April, June-August 2023)
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