
Create a Computational or Data Science Analytics Training Program for NCI

Are you an investigator who knows a thing or two about computational and/or data science-oriented analytic approaches? Would you like to use those skills to mentor the next generation of cancer researchers? You should apply to become a program director/principal investigator and create a predoctoral training program for NIH’s Advanced Data Analytics for Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Institutional Research Training Program.

Applications are due by Friday, May 24, 2024.

NCI wants to use computational modeling and data science methods to understand behavior predictors, mediators, and moderators. This includes outcomes related to tobacco use, sedentary behavior, physical activity, sun safety, alcohol use, medication adherence, and diet/nutrition. Your NCI training program should address:

  • multi-level models investigating how biological, environmental, and policy factors interact with behavior.
  • newly established data collection techniques (such as crowdsourcing, wearables, sensors, smartphones, etc.).
  • techniques to combine different data sets and answer novel cancer control-related research questions.

Each proposed training program must focus on one or more of three categories:

  • Intensive or voluminous longitudinal data
  • Internet, commercial, and administrative records data
  • High-density, large sample, or population-level agency databases

This funding opportunity is part of NIH’s Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award program, designed to support predoctoral and postdoctoral research training programs and advance research careers. 

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