
Childhood Cancer Data Initiative Seeks Information From Labs to Support Molecular Characterization

NCI’s Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) requests information from labs capable of conducting molecular profiling using specimens from pediatric and young adult patients.

Review the Request for Information (RFI) (HHS-NIH-NCI-RFI-ETSB-0042-49), and if you’re interested, download the draft Statement of Work and submission form to provide feedback on your capabilities and costs. Submit your information by July 7, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. ET.

You will need to be able to receive and process a wide variety of materials, including bulk samples, and/or single cell, or purified analytes for molecular profiling. Task areas may include the following:

Task Area 1: High-throughput DNA and RNA sequencing

  • High-throughput DNA Sequencing
  • High-throughput RNA Sequencing
  • Epigenomics with Array- or Sequencing-based Assays
  • Single-Cell/Single-Nuclei Sequencing
  • Additional molecular assays (e.g., circulating tumor DNA sequencing, targeted panels)

Task Area 2: Comprehensive proteomic characterization

  • Comprehensive global proteomic profiling
  • Comprehensive phosphoproteomic profiling
  • Additional profiling of post-translational modifications
  • Single-cell proteomics

Task Area 3: Metabolite profiling

  • Identification and relative quantification of metabolites and metabolic features

NCI is using this RFI for market research. Your responses may guide NCI in awarding future contracts. The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this RFI.

Direct your inquiries on this RFI to Julia Tilton, contracting specialist, or Erin Felent, contracting officer.

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