
The Cancer Imaging Archive Adds New Data

Are you looking for new imaging data to support your cancer research? New data collections are now available in The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA)!

TCIA published (or updated) 25 data collections and 6 analysis results collections. These additions include imaging data from over 2,500 new subjects.

Among the new analysis results, you’ll find information on cancers including (but not limited to):

  • glioblastoma.
  • prostate.
  • ovarian.

Examples of the data collections you’ll find include:

  • annotations of 4 Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium imaging collections. These collections include pancreatic cancer, renal cancer, uterine cancer, and head-and-neck cancer. These additions will facilitate correlation with data hosted in the Cancer Research Data Commons.
  • updates to the HNSCC-mIF-mIHC-comparison collection. These updates make it more accessible for artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms. This collection includes imaging of head-and-neck carcinoma.
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