
Apply for Supplemental Support to Develop Software Tools for Open Science

NCI joins an NIH-wide effort aimed at enhancing software tools to support open science. The application due date for this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is May 9, 2023, by 5:00 p.m. ET. Refer to the full NOSI for details.

Applications must meet the following criteria:

  1. The applicant(s) must demonstrate the software is in use (or has potential for widespread adoption) by the scientific community.
  2. The applicant(s) must show how improvements will increase the use of this software and impact open science.

Examples of building robust software suitable for open science and modern computing include:

  • adding application program interfaces and other enhancements to software.
  • refactoring software to incorporate standard interfaces and data formats.
  • adopting standard input and output data formats to make software components more usable and to maximize open data formats.
  • enhancing source code, documentation, version management, and tools to support community open-source development.

Ultimately, through this NOSI, NCI hopes to support development of new software tools and foster innovation in a modern data ecosystem.

One-year supplement budget requests cannot exceed $150,000 in direct costs. The total number of awards will depend on the availability of funds and the merit of the applications, with 20 or more awards anticipated.

Before submitting, be sure to check with your program officer to confirm that you’re eligible for administrative supplements and to learn about any special requirements you’ll need to know before applying.

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