
Apply Now for the "Accelerating Precision Radiation Oncology Through Advanced Computing and Artificial Intelligence" Workshop Series

Applications are now being accepted for the NCI-DOE Collaboration 2021 Virtual Workshop Series, “Accelerating Precision Radiation Oncology through Advanced Computing and Artificial Intelligence.”

Participants will be selected to achieve balanced representation across disciplines and career levels from basic science, clinical practice, and computational science.

This workshop series will consist of four interactive, multidisciplinary workshops and a “World Café” to explore emerging and futuristic opportunities among NCI, DOE, and partner institutions to advance radiation oncology. Components of these workshops will include the creation of personalized and adaptive treatment through the development of mechanism-based modeling and the use of advanced computing to achieve clinically actionable predictions. The World Café-style experience will help foster collaborative dialogue and culminate in a directional whitepaper on the future of data and computing-enabled radiation oncology.

Apply for the workshop series by February 19, 2021.

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