
Apply for Image Bioinformatics Scientist Position Supporting NCI’s Center for Cancer Research Artificial Intelligence Resource

NCI’s Center for Cancer Research (CCR) invites individuals with machine and deep learning experience to consider a federal staff scientist position supporting the Artificial Intelligence Resource (AIR). Applications will start being reviewed on or around December 13, so apply today!

AIR makes artificial intelligence tools available to CCR investigators, focusing on “Computer Vision,” which analyzes medical images (i.e., radiologic, digital pathology, video/endoscopy, and optical imaging). In this position, the successful candidate will develop and implement automated imaging and data processing workflows to analyze large image data sets generated by confocal microscopes.

The projects associated with this position will involve:

  • applying and developing innovative approaches for segmenting (sub) cellular structures from multi-dimensional optical images using traditional image processing and deep learning techniques.
  • multi-modal image registration, feature extraction, and unsupervised classification of phenotypic high-content/high-throughput imaging-based screens.
  • spatio-temporal analysis of single-cell level data.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in image processing, Computer Vision, biomedical engineering, or quantitative biophotonics with some post-doctoral or equivalent experience. For more information about the position and how to apply, refer to the official job posting.

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