
Apply for Administrative Supplements to Support Collaborations to Improve the AI/ML-Readiness of NIH-Supported Data

NCI is participating in a Notice of Special Interest (NOSI), which provides supplements to active grantees to support collaborations that bring together expertise in biomedicine, data management, and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML). If you’re a cancer researcher interested in this funding opportunity, and if your work will make data more usable for AI/ML, apply by May 16, 2023, by 5:00 p.m. local time of applicant organization.

Refer to the NOSI for full details on submission requirements and additional information on eligibility.

Thirty-six projects across 33 institutions received awards last year. Here are a few examples of NCI-affiliated data science projects that received that funding:

  • A-STOR Cancer Clinical Trial Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Readiness
  • A More Perfect Union: Leveraging Clinically Deployed Models and Cancer Epidemiology Cohort Data to Improve AI/ML Readiness of NIH-Supported Population Sciences Resources
  • Parent Award SCH: Personalized Rescheduling of Adaptive Radiation Therapy for Head & Neck Cancer
  • A Structured Multi-Scale Dataset with Prostate MRI for AI/ML Research
  • Cancer Genomics: Integrative and Scalable Solutions in R/Bioconductor

The initiative aligns with the NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science, which describes actions aimed at modernizing the biomedical research data ecosystem and making data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) with high impact for open science.

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