
Advance Your Skills in AI and GitHub Through These ITCR Training Network Courses

Are you a cancer data scientist who is looking for training information on artificial intelligence (AI) and automation (via GitHub)? Two courses are currently available on the Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Training Network (ITN) that may be of specific interest to you!

  • AI for Decision Makers: With this course, you’ll learn how to make strategic decisions, drive innovation, increase efficiency, and promote a culture that embraces the power of AI technologies.
  • GitHub Automation for Scientists: With this course, you’ll walk through the “why’s” and “how’s” for using automation to enhance your scientific software development process. This course is designed particularly for students in the biomedical sciences and researchers who use informatics tools.

A full list of ITCR ITN resources is available to you, including software, publications, and a blog.

The ITCR ITN supports cancer informatics and data science training, offering courses that feature tools developed by ITCR investigators to make it easier for you to incorporate cancer informatics into your day-to-day research workflow.

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