The Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy vs. Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy: Which One Applies to You?

Text Description of Chart

Chart Description

  • Are you generating genomic data for your proposed project(s)?
    • If no, proceed to Question 2.
    • If yes, proceed to Question 3.
  • Question 2: Are you generating or collecting scientific data (non-genomic) for your proposed project(s)?
    • If no, your projects do not generate scientific data. Neither the DMS nor the GDS Policy apply.
    • If yes, Follow the DMS Policy expectations as defined by your NOFOs/ICO policy/program. The GDS Policy does not apply.
  • Question 3: Are your genomic data generated from human specimens?
    • If no, proceed to Question 4.
    • If yes, proceed to Question 5.
  • Question 4: Does the data meet NCI thresholds for genomic data sharing for non-human specimens?
    • If no, follow the DMS Policy expectations as defined by your NOFOs/ICO policy/program.
    • If yes, follow the GDS Policy expectations:
      • No Institutional Certification is required.
      • Full sequence data is not required.
      • Your data do not have to be submitted to NIH/NCI-supported repositories (e.g., dbGaP).
  • Question 5: Does the data meet NCI thresholds for either genomic data sharing or rare-cancers/program priorities?

*You should consider protecting (i.e., de-identifying) participant information even if the genetic data are not required to be deposited into NIH/NCI repositories.

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