Childhood Cancer Data Initiative

About the CCDI

NCI created the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) to help collect, standardize, and facilitate the re-use of pediatric cancer data.

While pediatric cancer is a leading cause of death in American children, adolescents, and young adults (AYAs), the data sets that can inform treatment decisions are often limited and fragmented. To address this, CCDI focuses on enhancing access to and usability of data. CCDI is working to establish partnerships with organizations collecting pediatric cancer data and develop strategies for characterizing molecular data to help fill the gaps in our understanding of childhood cancer.

Whether you are a cancer researcher, clinical oncologist, data scientist, or bioinformatician, you can use CCDI data and tools for its ecosystem to help us better understand, detect, diagnose and treat childhood cancer.

NCI’s Role

Combatting childhood cancer is an NCI priority. This includes a commitment, through data and research, to advocating and sharing its importance, goals, and potential outcomes for treating children and AYAs with cancer. With this goal in mind, NCI collaborated with several stakeholders and is soliciting feedback from advocates to build the robust CCDI data ecosystem.

NCI’s Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) is leading the development of the infrastructure, technology, and data sharing approaches for the ecosystem (some of these examples include the tools and platforms listed below). CBIIT staff also participate in and lend their expertise to several key working groups and committees.

However, CBIIT is not the only NCI organization involved. Many NCI divisions, offices, and centers are working together to make pediatric cancer data more accessible and ready for secondary use.

Connecting the Cancer Community

As part of the cancer data science community, there are many ways you can stay involved and help drive pediatric cancer research.

Additional Information

For the latest information on CCDI:

For past news on CCDI’s data science and bioinformatics efforts, review our archive of CCDI news posts.

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