
Keep up with the latest news from the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) and the data science communities.

This Notice of Funding Opportunity will allow you to create and run a short course to educate early career researchers on using data sets available in NIH’s Common Fund.

Are you looking for funding for your cancer informatics technology project? We highlight the most recent ITCR Funding Opportunity Announcements that may be right for you!

The Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) awarded administrative supplements to eight NCI-Designated Cancer Centers, enabling research that leverages the CCDI Data Ecosystem to address scientific questions and create analytical tools for advancing childhood cancer research.

Want to use multi-omics data to examine different genetic pathways underlying cancer, but you lack the necessary coding experience? Meet MOPAW, a new point-and-click interface that can help you make the most of your genetic data.

Do you use CCDI-managed data? Check out the CCDI Hub Explore Dashboard, a tool that allows you to discover CCDI-managed data and connect with participants and available samples and files.

This joint NCI and ARPA-H Biomedical Data Fabric Toolbox effort will focus on developing solutions that take data science innovation in the biomedical research community to a new level. Researchers can use simple dashboards to explore data, conduct analyses, and share data across disciplines.

If you work for a small business, then this contract opportunity is for you! Support the development of commercial analytic tools for the cancer research community that integrate Cancer Research Data Commons multimodal data.

Learn about this model that predicts survival and disease outcome in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

PepQuery2 is a proteomics tool that enables rapid and targeted identification of both known and novel peptide sequences in proteomics data sets. The tool aims to provide valuable data sets for the broader research community by making public proteomics data more accessible and user-friendly.

Discover how SEER data and statistical models can help personalize oral cancer treatments.